Drum Lesson Handbook and Policies

Effective 9/1/2023

Attendance at your first lesson with your teacher serves as your acceptance of the policies contained in this handbook. Please read carefully.

Badges Drum Shop offers lessons as a service to the community, inviting excellent pro drummers to teach in our pro-equipped lesson room.


Badges Drum Shop

127 West Main Street

Mason, OH 45040

Parking is available in the two spaces directly behind the shop, along Main Street and along the residential street beside us. Most convenient of all is the free public lot just 1/2 block west of us.

Drum Lesson Parking at Badges Drum Shop


Monthly lesson fees to be paid directly to your teacher via cash or check no later than the first lesson of each month.

  • $140/month for weekly 30-minute lessons
  • $240/month for weekly 60-minute lessons

Because some months consist of five months instead of four, make-up lessons for occasional absences and holidays are already built into the schedule for you.

In order to keep excellent teachers, it is important to honor their time. Your lesson fee is for the time you reserve with your teacher as well as for the lesson itself. If you find it necessary to miss a lesson due to illness or other obligations, your teacher must still be paid for holding that precious time slot. 

In the event you must cancel a lesson, please give your teacher 24 hours notice so they have time to adjust their schedules accordingly.

In the event your teacher must cancel a lesson, your teacher will contact you in advance to either reimburse you for that lesson or arrange for a make-up lesson for the same time during a 5-week month or at another time.


Please be on time. Out of respect for the schedules of all the students whose lessons follow yours, we stop and end your lesson time per your scheduled time slot, even if you are late to your lesson. 


Supplied for you in the lesson room is a drum kit, snare, cymbals, and practice pads or both you and your teacher. You need to bring only a pair a drum sticks and any sheet music or lesson books specified by your teacher. 


Daily practice facilitates progress and confidence. Your teacher will outline positive practice recommendations that match your level and goals. 

Thank you for being part of the Badges Drum Shop community!

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