Badges Drum Shop Safe Shop Practices


Call 513-972-8203 for a private shopping appointment and/or phone ordering with curbside pickup!

The safety and well-being of our community are our priority. When Badges Drum Shop reopens to the public on May 12, we will follow safety RestartOhio Requirements and Best Practices as follows:

Badges Drum Shop owner and helpers will...
  • Maintain 6' social distancing in the shop
  • Perform daily symptom assessment and stay home if symptomatic
  • Wear face coverings whenever possible
  • Wash hands regularly
  • Provide hand sanitizer for those working and visiting the shop
  • Clean items/surfaces hourly and after each use
  • Clean any items being restocked and limit returns to defective product
  • Provide curbside pick-up
  • Provide private shopping appointments
  • Provide an alternative drum lesson space to maintain social distancing
We ask that our customers please...
  • Maintain 6" social distancing in the shop (face coverings recommended)
  • If you are at risk, call Badges Drum Shop to set up a private shopping appointment
  • If you are symptomatic, refrain from visiting and instead order online or via phone
  • Bring your own sticks if you plan to try out drums or cymbals
  • Be patient with us if we need have you wait a few minutes while others finish shopping
Charlie Andrews
Owner, Badges Drum Shop

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